Dear AMIGA community:
It has been a long time since you received the last message from our Homepage. Since October nothing happened? So it
seems at least.
But this is not entirely true
First of all, I wish to say thankyou to everyone for the numerous emails I received. Of course, I got criticism for my long
silence, but in most cases I received motivating encouragement! For these, I thank you very heartily. It is really a great feeling
to know that you can still rely on the AMIGA community.
What happened meanwhile?
First, VisCorp is officially out of the race. There are still some stubborn rumors that VisCorp is interested in AMIGA, but
officially there is nothing concrete.
Thank God I could convince the trustee not to smash AMIGA for the present.
Since bankruptcy on July 15th 1996, we continued our business under the same conditions as if the bankruptcy has never
In fact, our distribution network has grown. New AMIGA distributors are selling our products successful in Russia and in
Our pricestructure of our products is on the same level as before the bankruptcy.
With our sales we can keep ourselves easily alive and this is great under these difficult circumstances.
Thanks to all AMIGA fans who actively helped to keep our company alive by buying our products!
Since VisCorp is out of the race, the trustee received a number of very interesting takeover offers for AMIGA. He did not
commit himself yet, but how I assess the situation is that there will be a decision at short notice.
Who are the bidders?
These are companies involved in the bidding process who want to continue AMIGA and are also able to guarantee a future for
Of course, there are also companies who only wish to purchase parts of AMIGA, like the intellectual property.
Ultimately, the administrator will make his decision of who will get AMIGA.
This decision will be based on the size of the offer versus what can be achieved for the overall AMIGA. The highest offer is
decisive, provided that it is financially secured.
Please be sure that we are looking forward to some weeks full of tension.
How are we handling our current business?
Our company is currently maintained by three employees:
Axel Kraemer and Andreas Steep located in Braunschweig and myself.
Meanwhile I have moved my office into the former ESCOM AG building. From here I try my best to keep AMIGA alive.
Please refer to the employee page for further details.
As soon as there is a decision about who is the successful bidder and future AMIGA owner, you can be absolutely sure that I
will provide you with details.
See you soon
Petro Tyschtschenko,